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Wish someone told me when i was your age

Assalamualaikum. Excuse me, this post adalah berdasarkan my pengalaman hidup for 27 years that i want to share with you all. That I wish someone told me this when i was your age. What should i do and achieved and dream of. Ini banyak menyentuh more pada keagamaan, dan kehidupan pada masa hadapan. Yang baik ambil as teladan and yang buruk sebagai pengajaran. I wish someone told me this when i was your age. That i should study smart, not hard. In sekolah agama especially. Ambil serius in what ustaz and ustazah said. Take note yang berguna, asked lots of question. Until you fully understand about it. Not just a surface of it. Dig in every part of it. Hafal surah dan terus menghafal. Practice strictly. Kan bagus... Even dah habis sampai Darjah Khas, and get a certificate for it. I still rasa tak layak untuk itu. And mostly adalah even ambil subjek Bahasa Arab but 'till now not fluent langsung in it. Why la kan.,, Dulu main-main. And no one angry at me, told me th