The Long Time View: My instagram.
Assalamualaikum, Salam ahad. Gegegege... weekend sudah bah. So, my topic? I just want to share about my Instagram account. Lol. Actually this insta bukak quite long. Cuma tak active. Lagi tiada productivity nyer. Early dec last year baru aku ada hati nak menjengah. Itu pon after my friend push me. Give me ur insta username!? So, barulah aku terkedek-kedek login. Fuh, luckily the password is correct. 10 points for me. And let me see. No post, no following. But 132 followers. Okay, did I miss something? As a permulaan, aku post random pix yang make my day tahap cipan. Time passing by, Aku cam... Hurm, why not aku post pix what I had in my own blog. Precious moments tuh beb. And here i'm. So, be please looking forward my insta account: Angsaku/ Adibah Shahrudin. Bye.