
What I want in this life

Hai. Welcome to serious topic about me and my life. 

My favourite quotes: The road to success is always under construction. Go hard and smart, or go home! Sound like intimidating, too harsh but it's me. If you see a construction worker-people hate this lower class, but they do nothing than make little penny with their sweats and energy and time. They earn what they scarifies. But, if you see another site-there are smart people under title of engineering, architecture, planner etc. They earn by what their skills has to offers. And if you don't do both, you better not wasting any time then be a lazy person and stay at home. Wait until the construction complete and be a real consumer.

In my 20-25 years old, I see freedom in life. I'm out of my parents house and finish study. I get the job and eat whatever I like to eat. Go back home late till one or two am. I enjoy my life ! Then, in my 26 years old-I'm familiar with word 'volunteer', and then I see life in different perspectives. I can see a rubbish collector and their lifetime. I silently aware any waitress awkwardness. I see struggling of small business owner. A happy kid with broken family. The foreigners worker with tired smile. Those everyday user of public transport in the morning rush hour. 

I can eat my carrot cake with ice chocolate and see people walk by for their day. I'm not an extrovert that open socially, but I'm so call 'silently judge in mingle around' and of course in positivity side. Not a stalker by the way. By this experiences, I rather keep low profile life than brag about luxurious things. I don't keep it with trends and those materialistic things. Minimalist is my anthem. I stay in whatever my legs bring me. In my 30's, I take a big steps and move to work overseas. It make me learns more from viewpoints of the world and I like it. 

Hurm... I'm a single Muslim women in my 30 series and I got half way already through life. I'm the one draw my storyline, and I want a real happy ending. There are so much to take care if you ask me. A Muslim with Hijab is one thing, but it will make me stronger. That's why I think to stay out of city in my 40's and live a steady calm environment. I like nature by the way. An unmarried women through society, I know it's hard one life without a man. But married don't even guarantee you a good husband or father, better stronger than please a wrong partner. No harm to my own kid !

My plans ahead is minimalist life, life below means and less expenses. I try to collect more assets and push more for generate than my salary nowadays. Every weeks I revise my financial plans and it remind me every time my own goals. I'm not a stingy person, I still put money for my G2-relationship with family and friends. I still rewarded myself by travel to another country per year. And buy interesting handbag if I want it, middle fashion brand of course. I know my limit money and not over do it. I keep my future success on top, in same time I still appreciate my current life. Do I doing it right?

I pray to God to always bless me. And protect my family and friends. Keep compassionate people around me. Meet me with better person that I can learn positive things. Lots of reason to be kind to others and make their day. Put rightful in my career life. Halal foods guarantee. Make my plans success in the future. Better partner and nice husband one day. And super wonderful kids by my own. Lastly, ended my life with good things. I may ask for more, but there it is. Put more efforts to it. 

Do it well !


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