
Aku dan Pemeriksaan gigi


What the shame, because already five years I didn’t go for any dental check up. So, next December blessing-I should go for it. Yeah, I can do and I knew it! I want to clean my teeth @ cuci gigi- So far, I’m not satisfied at all. Too many plaque even I using Listerine cool mint as antiseptic mouth to kills germs that cause it, bad breath and gum problem. Butter-better way is going and see a specialist on it.

Some more, obviously I want to ask about wearing braces. May be for knowledge or I want to apply it later. Can? Even I started it too late. So, I should advise parents and younger student outside there to take time and think about wearing braces for become beautiful and handsome looking in future. Whose know? My teeth are fine but ‘lil not queuing in line-left above side. Just wonder, if can.

Next, if the doctors don’t bother I want to investigate about a gland/what at my left lower jaw. When I palpate, it’s something like rounded 10 cent! Actually, it’s already there since I Form three-may be-cannot remember. No effort toward it until end of this year. No pain, no harm. But too scary to think. Better find out and cure faster.

So, I hope cik Jima will come along either as accompanied me or together we do dental check up.



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