This is for us
When i found the picture above in some FB wall. I terus remember my own emak.
And i missed her so much.
And i want to say i love her.
And i want to say, millions thank you.
Picture ini bukan hanya merujuk untuk emakku.
Tapi for emak-emak yang lain juga.
Untuk bakal bergelar tittle ini.
Dan mereka yang pastinya suatu hari nanti bergelar, emak.
This is for you.
This is for us.
I'm not yet pregnant even married.
But i know how tired and stress being a mum.
So, when i looks at this.
I faham this will this may touch your feeling and reach your heart without a word.
For me to write what i feel about this, I can said, one fine day,
I will write again about mother part when i'm in your shoes.
With Allah plan.
I know is not sesuatu yang mudah to hold a mother title.
It's take a huge responsibilities and lots of promises.
Because you raise a human not an object.
You're truly a hero to me, to your husband especially.
Remember this.
I know those will makes your hormone changes. Bear with all morning sickness.
And also very berat month by months.
How your wight gaining uncontrollable.
But after nine months, your mini cute faces.
Will fades it away.
Trust me.
Not gonna write a long story because i want to layan my perasaan how i missed my emak.
Can't wait to see her in two days!
= )