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Showing posts with label what i like in the conversation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what i like in the conversation. Show all posts

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Small talks.

I'm the person who hate to start a conversation.
Especially to the stranger.
Really true.
Like... what if my question or story make he/she become more sad or unhappy.
I care about all these, okay.

But, with the people i know...
Sometimes awkwardness also happens.
Really true.
Like... what if my question or story so bored to he/she later.
I care we will not talk each other in future.

I still not yet found the perfect buddy.
Which i can share and talk about atoms, 
The meaning of life, 
Faraway galaxies, 
The lies I'e told, 
My flaws, 
My favorite scents, 
My crazy childhood, 
What keep me up at night, 
My insecurity with height, 
Who speak with no emotion, 
A twisted mind.

I don't want to know... that nonsense story and words of ,"What's up"
I'm different.
And also weird.
So, enjoy my weirdness.
I hope you say, yes!

Japan trip 2

Hai, Hari kedua Di Jepun, bangun pagi plan asal aku mahu tengok sunrise dekat Gion District. Tapi Emak aku jetlag sikit jadi aku...