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Showing posts with label umrah checklist and cerita dia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label umrah checklist and cerita dia. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

The memory of 2018


Seperti yang dijanjikan... About how my experienced bawa mak ayah pergi umrah.
I go there April last year.
Under agensi Tabung Haji.
Berjalan lancar.
Actually semua yang dilalui, korang boleh seen in my previous post around awal May and the next.
Satu persatu I written there.
Untuk pilih agensi, and sort of barang apa nak bawa boleh cari around bulan February or March.
Moga bermanfaat.

I planned since mula bekerja di Sime Darby...where i got the weirdest dream in my life.
Ia adalah titik permulaan segalanya.
And from there, i revised everything for my future and my syurga.
I also changed hospital and bernazar sangat, in at least five years kaabah is my goal.
Alhamdulillah, rezeki Allah melimpah ruah.
Around three years and half. I can berdiri mata kepala hati depan kaabah!
Not only that, i sponsored also my mak, ayah and younger brother to tag along with my journey.
Alhamdulillah again.

Rasa dia memang sangat tak ternilai. Tak boleh nak describes.
We don't know when and where we gonna die.
Please, pada yang masih muda lagi... Save bit, took some of your shopping budget or so whater...your time and go there.
Rasai, dalami sendiri pengalaman.
Wherever places you travel in this world, Makkah always the best shoot.
Its bring beautiful you from outside to inside.

Me? Insyaallah, memang akan pergi lagi.
Bila? My plan as scheduled in phase one... Iaitu after i finish my bond, my degree, a house here in Malaysia.
Or lebih awal daripada ini semua.
Then, i will go there. Allah memanggil orang yang terpanggil.
Please pray for me.

There you go.
My kick story for 2019.
It's like fight for your happy ending.

Japan trip 2

Hai, Hari kedua Di Jepun, bangun pagi plan asal aku mahu tengok sunrise dekat Gion District. Tapi Emak aku jetlag sikit jadi aku...