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Showing posts with label old baju kurung and jeans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label old baju kurung and jeans. Show all posts

Thursday, April 04, 2019

Recycling your things


Hello, hello, hello. Long time no see...
At last, i got my own time to write something here as no classes and just two final papers on next week.
So. What's interesting? A lot actually.
I'm so happy round around with life as a student.
And lots of activities.
Times wasted can't be refunded right.
So i used it wisely enough.

First, I packed all my things which are not important anymore and sent to H&M, and left up wherever things i required much only.
Need a space to breath.
Also scrubbing here and there, dust please go away!
This part took me about one month to go throughout everything. Even so tired but then it satisfying as i like the result.
My room and the bathroom are so refreshing and bling.bling.bling.

One good slot is I did my time management online course. Alhamdulillah. Everything going smoothly and I like it very much.
Now practices in my daily life.
Tried to make as a routine to transform becoming a habit.
Tougher day by day.
But i know i can do it.

Last week, i got a week and half time to go back at my hometown Johor.
Happy dance for me.
I did all the chores inside the house, as my main planning is to clear up all the old-old things. Mostly focus on the clotting line.
Sorted the baju kurung, jeans, blouse not fitted anymore and some 'kain buruk' too.
So far as the results i get 16 medium recycle bags! A lot right...
This bags are go to the H&M as usual.

Why H&M?
Because when you sent it there for recycle, one bag they will give you a free coupon valued 15% for any of H&M clothes.
Happy them, happy me.
I sent an old clothes, i replaced it with new one.
Yeah, but not so happy duh.
Because the coupons all goes to my sister.
She took all of it.

Another old things i disposed in that house are the papers, newspapers and empty boxes.
Secure it nicely and tied it tightly with ropes.
Sent to the disposes area.
At kota tinggi, Johor there is one small shop just behind the Mayers hotel do this kind of recycle things.
You also can sent 'besi buruk' too.
So, get your house clean now.
The payment? Now much, for two medium boxes i only get Rm 3.40. What a joke...
Again, whatever.

At that time, Johor is so hot because not raining for almost a month.
On my way go back home from the morning walk at the beach, i can seen some areas are already burnt.
And very dried.
Just remembered to drink a lot of water and avoid outdoor activities actually.

... So, this is my full stop.
I will continue later.
Stay healthy guys.
= )

Japan trip 2

Hai, Hari kedua Di Jepun, bangun pagi plan asal aku mahu tengok sunrise dekat Gion District. Tapi Emak aku jetlag sikit jadi aku...