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Showing posts with label makan malam di klcc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label makan malam di klcc. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

KSRP 2016:Dinner time


On December 2nd, KSRP ada buat dinner kat Convention Centre for the first time.
Celebrating their 40th years of anniversaries.
Likes half of me duh.

At first, tak applied pon. And suddenly, my colleague asked untuk join sama this event.
Ticket still available she said.
Then, terus sent email and positive feedback.

So, as i still off on that Monday.
Pergilah ke KLCC, Tower 1. Nak collected ticket on behalf mereka sekali.
And after lepas screening part, boleh sesat sampai tingkat 42.
Alang-alang dah sesat, jejalan lah sekali kan.
Very nice view i can said.
Nampak la bridge semua. Hohohooo...Like i cares?
After boring, start la buat muka innocent plus cute sebab nak mintak tolong.
Nasib jumpa akak baik hati tolong dan cilok masuk staff area sampai la gi tempat collect ticket.
Mekasih bebanyak la hakak oi.

Theme untuk that dinner adalah black, red and gold.
So, i pick gold.
And mix and match with anything yang ada dalam simpanan harta karunku.
Tak dernya la den nak sewa baju kelip-kelip bagai.
Tak payah membazir.
Baju kahwin pon belum tentu sewa, i will make sure suh my partner yang jahit. Homemade, hengkau.
Bior dia rasa. Hahhaha, Sanggup ker?

BTW. Untuk memastikan malam tu berjalan lancar.
I volunteer myself lah untuk stay back a night before until 10pm untuk buat case.
And at the end, petang that day... dapatlah balik sharp 06.00 pm.

Siap-siap and terus gerak. Nak predict apa kan jem kat KL nih...
Gerak awai la.
Pastu, rupanya door tak bukak lagi. Hampeh.
Nasib diorang ada sediakan air.
Dapat gak doorgift time waiting, flask hitam. Ni i like.

Lastly, diorang bukak jugak akhirnya main entrance,
Pastu ada part red carpet and catwalk. Haila. Rasanyalah kan, i'm the one categories yang let make a way, i don't care with your camera on roll.
I need to walk fast and furious guys,
Because i need to book the table first, so please.
... Obviously me.

As the result, dapatlah ku rembat meja betul-betul depan stage!
If me alone, i will reserve meja paling hujung. Dekat dengan all the foods.
But as promises, diorang nak enjoy performance...nak telek jerawat ke tak si penyanyi nanti.
Hamek korang hadaplah.

MC nya ialah si Nabil and si bambam. Sorry dude, I donno your name.
But frankly speaking, both of you make my day.
Thank you.

Kemuncaknya adalah after all speeches and videos, mereka jemput untuk menjamah makanan.
Oh, my... rasa nak nangis.
How lapar i'm.
Okay, sambil-sambil makan... Ella and Man Bai started their singing.
And some of lucky draw.
Enjoying this, but i still ulang alik ambil makanan.
Don't blame me, i prefer real foods.

Plain nasik to western steak to japanese meals, i tried all.
All dessert i pick. My favorite.
Also their fruits.
Together some tea tarik bagi penambah.
Only one i avoid that night. Salad.
You're in wrong event lah.

And at the end, six plates make my tummy full duh.
Maybe that the first round, so... when i think to go for the second round.
Man bai tetiba nyanyi dekat area our meja.
Dah kena layan karenah bebudak nih.
Apa ke susah la diorang nih, if nak bergambo, gi jelah.
So, lastly i make my own decision. I stand up and be a penyibuk orang nak tangkap gamba dengan dia.
Hhahha... Gilo. Sorry guys.

So, here we are yang dapat hadir on behalf of our department. Semua senyum kembang-kembang. Stay gojes guys.
Anyway, please ignore my selendang yang dah sengat sana sini. situ tuh.
So, it's a wrap!

Japan trip 2

Hai, Hari kedua Di Jepun, bangun pagi plan asal aku mahu tengok sunrise dekat Gion District. Tapi Emak aku jetlag sikit jadi aku...