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Showing posts with label i'm happy and i'm smiling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label i'm happy and i'm smiling. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Being the reason why I smile

How are you today? 

Today, I'm under the weather these few weeks with minor flu and exhausted. Maybe because I spent lots of time with clean my parents house and did few events there. March seems fully to me, I really filled it up with family and friends time. Keeping busy with birthday party for March and February babies, attend wedding with food poisoning,  video call session who's far away, grooming plant to keep them healthy, given gift for special friends, durian tasting yummy, and etc. I can said, I ate a lots of delicious food! I bet my weight is pumping hard. Ohuh.

By the way, I'm happy and smiling a lot these few weeks. I realized in last seven years, I really don't have a time for my family or even close friends because I keep working until late night or even in weekend. But now, after resigning for about two months I kept close with people I love and who's appreciate me. I come back to my childhood memories, silly moments with my siblings or even friends and we laughed hard until in tears. They always being the reason why I have a big smile. Thank you all, every each of you.

Then, I realized my time slowly vanished because April  slowly appear in few days. I promise to myself that month and next is I will come back as new me. Obviously refreshing my life because an adultery makes me want standardize everything to beautiful line everyday or even space in my mindset. I want to be happy than before, I want a full of daisies and rainbow life. A contentment life, forever. That is my goal, and I will achieve that. If people said it only in fantasy as what they do, nope...I'm living my life like that. What I want, I will get with God blessing too. 

Mostly I will focus more about self development, Islamic and health, and financial confident. They have lots to do, yeah. Erm, big or small scarifying not gonna hurt because I got a strong heart. Alright, I will tell you in next post about that okay. So, that's why I spent these few weeks with my close one. I also really cleaning out my closet...physically and mentally. You can said I remove toxic relationship that I felt uncomfortable with. Sorry guys, maybe you're better with someone else but not me. Someone who are appreciate you, because my hands are full. And, yeah.


Japan trip 2

Hai, Hari kedua Di Jepun, bangun pagi plan asal aku mahu tengok sunrise dekat Gion District. Tapi Emak aku jetlag sikit jadi aku...