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Showing posts with label don't bargain with the poor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label don't bargain with the poor. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Why i don't bargain


Continue with my post about, Don't bargain to them.
I don't do bargain.
Not sure if it's because of my big ego or,
I don't like the word.
Or i'm too afraid to do that.

Since i'm kid until now,
All my stuff i paid with the real prize.
Only if the seller offer me better, i bought.
I said she offer me.
Oh kay.
If i be included in this situation, reality is,
Mostly my family member or my friends will do this bargain stuff.
I will sit at the end of the corner and do nothing.
Because i will spoil the agreement.

How can i not do bargain?
This all because as long as i want to buy something,
I calculated my budget.
There and i know my limit.
That's the one finest reason why i don't do bargain.
: )

For this continues topic i like to share a good picture.
Why i'm still remain not do any bargain.
That i like to share.
It's all about the base of "kindness"
And feeling of "humanity"

This picture is so perfect.
And if you want me to bargain over this old lady for 1 billion.
Never in million years i will do that.
If your sympathy, pity sense is fade.
Why not talk to them, do a small chat.
Then where you know how hard is life.
And nowadays kids should expose with it.

As they respect we as a buyer.
We also have a respect to them as a seller.

Sometime i also give them extra.
Especially to those taxi driver, guard, ... even cleaner, gambler, homeless people.
And i'm happy for what i'm doing.

If not money, i give them some bread, or like what i don't think i will use.
I give to who may i think they have the right to that goods.

I received a Christmas gift from Mary Kay. Where because i brought their mask product.
An eye shadow and small teddy bear.
I found it so cute.
But as i'm not to this thing. I give it to one of my Christian friends.
And wish her Merry Christmas.
I believed, no religion will fight over kindness.

Spread the peace because we can.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Don't bargain to them


When i'm scrolling around at my Facebook home wall.
I like searching something that will inspire and motivate me at that time.
And to know how my weirdo society doing related the meaning of "kindness" and "humanity".
With no barrier toward any religions.

I found this last weekend.
: )
So amazing stories i can said.
And i like to share it here:

Even this incident looks like she passes and do nothing.
Nothing major rather than her giving RM 20.00 instead of RM 15.00
But what make me proud is that she post what she felt...
And her statement, how sad is your life until you have to bargain with the poor... are the best quote ever.
Until I can imagine the whole situation.
Sis, you rock!

May Allah bless you sis, and your family.
And that Cobbler too.
You all deserved it.
Because, this is where the part of society who understood the meaning of. be a good person but don't waste time to prove it.

And this also link to my previous post about, The plate.
Click there if you want to read.
How i'm express of quote, there is more fruit in rich man's shampoo than a poor man's plate.
Also really touch my heart.

Conclusion of what happen is all person who live in this earth must fully alert the words of "kindness" and "humanity"
Two words only.
As a starter for harmony.
I pray for it.
'Cause they all also human where some are may Islam.
And we praise the same God.
We reaching for a same peace.
But we still fight and war for stupid reason.
And be a victim because of it.

It's all are nonsense.

All people have their right to rule their own life.
But, why need busier applied some freaking bitchy habit.
When we can happily live and die blessedly with spontaneous good manners.
Go for it.
It's your life.
Think again...
When your last time,
You close your eyes and treasure the feeling of making someone else feel protected and so happy with your existing?

: )  continue tomorrow.

Japan trip 2

Hai, Hari kedua Di Jepun, bangun pagi plan asal aku mahu tengok sunrise dekat Gion District. Tapi Emak aku jetlag sikit jadi aku...