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Showing posts with label buku medikal dekat kamal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label buku medikal dekat kamal. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Buku anatomy


Benda menarik nak citer kat sini sepanjang study yang dah beberapa minggu berlalu.
Bukan nak membangga ke apa.
But i just buat satu benda yang berguna. Not for me but for everyone.
Ianya bab buku.
Buku anatomy and physiology.

Masa first time masuk sini. Buku anatomy masa diploma dulu memang tak bawak.
Sebab tak tahu kat mana dah.
So, sebab boleh claim.
I just... Why not beli baru kan.

So, overall they bought book ross and wilson anatomy. Buku standard yang mesti ada.
Diorang cakap camtu lah.
But as what apa yang dipelajari... I think, that book only just cover the surface.
Maybe if you're in diploma course.
Can consider it.
But as all lecturers ajar too details dengan deep explanations. Jadi macam, tak sesuai la buku nih.
So as masa tu pergi kamal bookstore.
You can check at my previous post.
I said, i donno what anatomy book i want to buy.
So i need to compare all those book yang ada.

So as compare all.
I just go with anatomy physiology pearson. Tenth edition, elaine n. Marieb and katja hoehn.
Total price, Rm 130.
I like all the contents.
Graphic. As i understand more pada drawing part. Sesuai la kan.
And details, tak lari jauh from my lecturers punya slide presentations. So I'm safe.

And now, after few slides.
Some of my colleagues dah start pinjam my book. Which i never mind.
Tak kisahlah, ilmu kongsi-kongsi.
After they find out this good is much better. Mereka dah sama falling.
And now, for your information... about half of the class dah start beli buku yang sama.
Which is something good influencer.

And yeah.
Tak salah hendak jadi lain daripada yang lain.
As long as, benda tu ke arah something yang good.
Thumbs up.
Keep shining!

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