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Showing posts with label ayat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ayat. Show all posts

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Get up and get off.


Hari yang cerah. Ada matahari. Tak ada class. Dapat makan roti jala. Lunch free. Rasa hari nih mood makin baik. And rasa nak bagi motivasi percuma. Sebab like me yang jenis spesis cepat boring, i always need motivation in my life. Sebab tu tak layan cerita datuk seri, puan seri, kau kaya aku miskin, kau miskin aku kaya. Hahhaa, drama sangat hokey. Baik layan cerita makan-makan. Habis satu resepi, masuk resepi lain, tengok pon dah kenyang. Psssttt... nak tak nak baca, suka hati.

Semua orang ada masalah, jem sikit merungut, lapar complain, tak ada duit, family problem, sakit perutlah, orang tak sayang ke. Blah. blah. blah... And cakap, mungkin nih takdir. Like hello, Allah takkan ubah nasib sesuatu kaum kalau kaum itu tak ubah diri sendiri 13:11. Go and create your own happy ending life, if you don't fight for what you want, don't cry guling-guling for what you lost. Be courageous, buat hidup warna warni macam Dora the explorer, walaupun dia tanya soalan bodoh hari-hari, ada nampak dia nangis tepi penjuru? Think. Jatuh terduduk, tertiarap macam mana pon. Plan your life. Wake up determined, go to bed satisfied.

Untuk people around us... ada orang kita sayang banyak, sayang sikit, tak sayang langsung or even a strangers yang jumpa sekali seumur hidup sebab tetiba bawak diri pindah Afrika. Mana tau kan. Whatever level there're in our life, mereka nampak jatuh bangun kita. Dan merekalah yang one day kat Padang Mahsyar sama-sama bersesak timbang dosa pahala, syurga neraka. So buat apa nak throw shit sesama sendiri and you, yes you... buat kerja gila nak kutip banda negative itu semua and put in your wall. Get up and get off. Please. It's ok if they don't like you, i can said not everyone has a good taste. Huh.

Personally, i can said banyak benda untuk motivate diri. I only can berleter in my whole life, the last decision... balik pada diri sendiri. Allah bagi cabaran, to test you and me. If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you. Betul tak? Steve jobs once said, it was awful tasting medicine but I guess the patient needed it. Daripada situ sometimes you have to pick up yourself and carry on. If you're not the first, you'll be the last. Tempuh, paskal! Sorry, no ads review. Tetiba semangat terlebih.

Dah, penat taip. Nak gih study. Presentation coming in few days, as always orang first. Lain kali letak nama anak huruf A. Hahahha... Exam week after that. Fighting!

Japan trip 2

Hai, Hari kedua Di Jepun, bangun pagi plan asal aku mahu tengok sunrise dekat Gion District. Tapi Emak aku jetlag sikit jadi aku...